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英语小故事带翻译 丑小鸭英语故事带翻译.doc

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英语小故事带翻译 丑小鸭英语故事带翻译.doc

上传人:raojun00002 2021/4/19 文件大小:56 KB


英语小故事带翻译 丑小鸭英语故事带翻译.doc


文档介绍:英语小故事带翻译 丑小鸭英语故事带翻译
It is summer in the countryside. Fields are full of golden corn and
green plants. The air is warm and the birds are singing.
A mother duck is sitting on her seven eggs. She has done this for many days. Now she is feeling tired.
Soon, her eggs start hatching. Six little ducklings come out of their shells. Their coats are yellow, and they are full of energy.
One egg hasn t hatched yet. It is bigger than the others. An old duck visits the mother duck.
The strange egg finally hatches. The duckling jumps free from his shell. He has a gray coat, not yellow. His neck is long and his nose is black.
The mother duck walks to the pond. The ducklings follow her. She jumps into the water. The ducklings quickly jump in, too. They can all swim well.
The mother duck shows her ducklings their home. They live on a farm with ducks and other animals. The little ducklings look around curiously.
The other ducks are eating dinner. A girl throws a fish head into the group. They all want to eat it. One duck quickly eats the fish head. The other ducks are jealous.
The ducks look at the mother duck and her ducklings. They are not happy to see them.
The ugly duckling drops his head. He feels ashamed. The mother duck pats him on the head.
Many weeks go by. The other animals are not nice. The rooster chases and bites him. The chickens tease him. The farm girl also kicks him at dinnertime.
The ugly duckling feels lonely. One day, he runs away from the farm.
He finds some ducks who live on a small lake.
The little duckling is hurt. He swims away. There are some geese nearby. They look kind. He swims over to them.
Just then, a loud sound comes from the side of the lake.
The duckling walks away from the lake. Soon, a storm comes. The wind blows ve


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