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Adherence—The extent to which a coating bonds to a substrate.
Adherence Index--Measure of the Adherence of porcelain enamel and ceramic coatings to
sheet metal.
Alpha Rockwell Hardness—Index of the resistance of a plastic to surface penetration by a
specified indenter under specified load applied with a Rockwell Hardness tester. Higher values
indicate higher indentation Hardness.
Axial Strain—The Strain in the direction that the load is applied, or on the same axis as the
applied load.
Analogue board—A machine circuit board, which converts analogue signals into digital signal.
Anchor Pin—A steel pin that connects a grip or jig to an eye end
Auto Return—Auto Return, when set to on, causes the crosshead to return automatically to its
Zero point at the end of the test.
Bend Test—Method for measuring Ductility of certain materials. There are no standardized
terms for reporting bend test results for broad classes of materials; rather, terms associated with
bend tests apply to specific forms or types of materials. For example, materials specifications
sometimes require that a specimen be bent to a specified inside diameter (ASTM A-360, steel
products). A bend test for Ductility of welds is given in ASTM E-190. Results of tests of
fiberboard are reported by a description of the failure or photographs.
Bending Strength—Alternate term for Flexural Strength. It is most commonly used to describe
flexure properties of cast iron and wood products.
Bond Strength—Stress (tensile load divided by area of bond) required to rupture a bond formed
by an adhesive between two metal blocks.
Break Elongation—The Elongation of the specimen to the break point.
Breaking Load—Load which causes fracture in a tensile, compression, flexure or Torsion Test.
In tensile tests of textiles and yarns, breaking load also is called breaking strength. In tensile
tests of thin shee


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