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Mr. Secretary-General Annan,
Dr. Toepfer,
Mr. Reilly,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is a tremendous honor to be here tonight to accept this year’s UNEP Sasakawa Environment Prize from his Excellency Secretary-General Annan. I deem the awarding of this prestigious prize as recognition and affirmation by the United Nations and the international community of China’s efforts and achievements in environmental protection and sustainable development. The honor is not just for me. It goes to my country and to all my colleagues who, by working tirelessly at their own positions, have contributed to the protection of the environment in China.
I have worked in environmental protection for two decades. This period has witnessed vigorous advancement of the international environmental cause as well as remarkable development of the Chinese economy. Rapid economic growth has brought with it grave challenges to the environment. Problems that cropped up and were dealt with step by step in nearly a hundred years in developed countries befell China within twenty years---all of them enormously complex ones. The Chinese government, making environmental protection one of its basic national policies and sticking to the strategy of sustainable development, has carried out large-scale pollution control and treatment and ecological restoration efforts. It has succeeded in curbing,


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