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M ontclair S tate.ppt

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M ontclair S tate.ppt



文档介绍:M M ontclair ontclair S S tate tate U U niversity niversity Overview of Civil Service Overview of Civil Service Presented by the Presented by the Division of Human Resources Division of Human Resources e Classified Staff! e Classified Staff! Presentation Contents Presentation Contents ?? Introductions Introductions ?? Legal Authority of the Civil Service System Legal Authority of the Civil Service System ?? Titles, Classification, Testing and Certification Titles, Classification, Testing and Certification ?? Recruitment, Selection and Probationary Periods Recruitment, Selection and Probationary Periods ?? Civil Service and M S YOU! Civil Service and M S YOU! ?? Performance Evaluation Performance Evaluation ?? Seniority Seniority ?? Q & A Q & A Montclair State University Montclair State University Civil Service Administration Civil Service Administration ?? Staffing Services Staffing Services ?? Catherine Bongo-Director Catherine Bongo-Director ?? Keesha Chavis-Assistant Director Keesha Chavis-Assistant Director ?? Program Assistant Program Assistant –– Connie Wood Connie Wood ?? HR Assistant/Staffing HR Assistant/Staffing –– Evelyn Lopez Evelyn Lopez ?? HR Assistant/Staffing HR Assistant/Staffing –– Pauline Flynn Pauline Flynn Overview of the Overview of the Civil Service System Civil Service System State of New Jersey State of New Jersey Civil Service System Civil Service System ?? A rule- driven system designed A rule- driven system designed for hiring, evaluating, promoting, for hiring, evaluating, promoting, and separating classified employees and separating classified employees ?? Merit Based System Merit Based System HR-Classified Staffing 03/2004 6 Article VII Article VII ?? Mandated by Article VII of the New Jersey Mandated by Article VII of the New Jersey State Constitution, which states: State Constitution, which states: ““ Appointments and promotions in the civil Appointments and promotions in the civi


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