文档介绍:摘 要
关键词:深度包检测, 应用层协议解析, 数据包捕获函数库,
With the rapid development of Internet in China, the major network operators, network size in the ever-expanding, increasingly complex network structure, network operations are becoming increasingly rich, high-speed network traffic growth, which makes network management requirements and greatly increase thedifficulty. Therefore, network operators need to network a reliable effective monitoring and control, in this case, how to protocol analysis of network flow control, network billing, content filtering, and traffic management, to provide users with a good network environment has become a hot research topic.
First ,the artical has analysised on the research present situation and the existing detection method on the application layer protocol analysis, and based on this, it used the depth inspection packet (DPI) technology for application layer protocol analysis; Second, the article given an overview on the system architecture of the application layer protocol analysis system and subsystem functions,and at the same time, it gaven a detailed description on the analysis of hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP: hypertext transport protocol) as the core module; Three, the article given a detailed design on the application layer protocol analysis system, described the design principles and processes of each module, and system testing, confirmed the feasibility of the system design. Finally, this paper summarized the research work and looking, ensured i