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1、 知己知彼,百战百胜;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼不知己,每战必殆。
You can fight a hundred battels without defeat if you know the enemy as well as will win one battle and lose one battle if you know yourself but are in the dark about the enemy. You will lose every battle if you are in the dark both the enemy and yourself.
2、 这些学生期末考试不及格。
These students failed in the English final exam.
3、 南方结婚大办酒席的风气实在可以免。
The practice of holding lavish feast at weddings in the south of China can well be dispensed with.
4、 他爸爸死了,死于车祸;妈妈又改了嫁,顾不了他,真可怜。
He was a poor boy indeed, because his father died of an accident, and his mother remarried and couldn’t look after him.
5、 只有慎之又慎,才能避免犯不必要的错误。
Being very careful you can avoid making unneccessary mistake.
6、 那棵树花小,叶子大,很难看,我没买。
The tree with small flowers and large leaves looked so ugly, so I didn’t buy it.
7、 应当承认每个民族都有它的长处,不然它为什么能存在?为什么能发展?
We sould admit that every nation has its own advantages. If not how can it survive and how can it develop.
8、 湖面波光闪闪,湖边茂林修竹,西湖景色四季宜人。
With glistening water on its surface and luxuriant trees and bamboo groves along its bank the west lake has attractive landscape all the year around.
9、 学外语她每天早晨室外高声朗读得益不少。
She benefits a lot by reading loud in the open every morning for thelearning of a foreign language.
10、 我们的国民经济,工业和农业都是基础。
Both industry and agriculture are the foundation of our national.
11、 那本小说的故事情节这位作家常常闭着眼睛一动不动地坐在沙发上构思。
The plot of this novel is figured out by the writer when he sits motionlessly with his eyes shut on the arm chair.
12、 生了儿子,吃啥有啥;生了女儿,有啥吃啥。
If a woman gibes birth to a boy, she eats what she wants, If to a girl, she just eats what there is.
13、 那些穷苦工人挣到的钱几乎不够养家糊口。
The poor worker seldom earn enough money to keep their family alive.
14、 德国相机的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。
The German cameras are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability.
15、 他把胳膊肘放在桌上,用手支着下巴,心平气和地听我讲事情的经过。
After resting his elbow


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