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文档介绍:Unit 1 Women of achievement
练一 语言知识运用保分练1篇完形+1篇语法填空,限时25分钟
(2018·长 春 检 测 二 )When my husband Ian died in 2014, ten days after being
diagnosed with cancer, I was completely broken up. He was just 54. We'd planned to
__1__ together and live the years to the fullest.
At first, the __2__ of spending the following years of my life without him left me
feeling __3__. I was in deep __4__ having lost him. But as time passed, I began to __5__
that life is so precious, and none of us can __6__ what's around the corner.
I realized I could sit at home and __7__ Ian, __8__ I could make the most of every
moment of my life. Three months __9__ he died, a friend mentioned a choir run by a
__10__ Tenovus Cancer Care, which was for anyone __11__ by cancer. I've __12__ loved
to sing, so I agreed. That decision really has changed my __13__.
We rehearse (排 练 ) once a week and perform __14__ to raise money. We sing
inspiring songs like You've Got a Friend which really __15__ all of us.
Spending time with the choir, I have not only made a whole new friendship circle, but
I feel so __16__, which has been fantastic for my __17__ well­being.
I __18__ money for the charity too, includin


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