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文档介绍:外商独资企业章程 (英文 )
Articles of Association for Solely Foreign-owned Enterprises
(With Board of Directors)
General Provisions
Objectives , Scope and Scale of Production and Business
Total Investment Amount and the Registered Capital
Board of Directors
Business Management Office
Taxation, Finance and Foreign Exchange Management
Distribution of Profits
Labor Management
Trade Union
Duration, Dissolution and Liquidation
Rules and Regulations
Supplementary Provisions
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1
In accor dance with Law of the People ’ s Republic of China on
Foreign-Capital Enterprises and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations,
Company Country intends to set up
exclusively foreign-owned enterprise, in Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area of the People ’ s Republic of China. For this purpose,
these Articles of Association hereunder are worked 2
The name of the Company in Chinese is .
The name of the Company in English is .
The legal address of the Company is at .
The investing party is a legal person registered with Country in
accordance with the laws of Country.
The legal name of the investing party is ;
Its legal address is ;
Its legal representative: Name ; Nationality ; Position
The organization form of the Company is a limited liability company. The investing party is liable to the Company


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