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上传人:小辰GG 2021/6/13 文件大小:108 KB




文档介绍:: .
一。 Part 1 (3 mi nu tes)
In terlocutor:
Good mornin g/after noon.
My n ame is... and this is my colleague... He/She is just going to be liste ning to us.
Could I have your mark sheets, please ?请给我你的打分卡?
Thank you.
And your n ames are ... and ... ?
(Ha nd over the mark sheets to the assessor.)
First of all, Can didate A (应试者 A) , we'd like to know someth ing about you, so I'm going to ask you some questio ns.
(Select two or more questio ns from the followi ng category for Can didate A.)
* Can you lell inc Momeihing abuut your job or study?
* Whai do you enjoj most about y w work school?
* Whai do you dislike about your work/school?
* Do you have any future plans?
Thank you.
Now, Can didate B, I'm going to ask you some questi ons.
Select two or more questi ons from the follow ing category for Can didate B.
* Whai do you usuaily do in your spare dme f
* Whar s your favuriie spon? Wh> ?
* Whai kind of TV 卩rugrams do yg like to watch? Why?
* Whai kind of music do you eryoy most? Why?
Thank you.
Part 2 (3mi nu tes)
In terlocutor:
Now, I'd like you to talk about something between yourselves. We're just going to listen.
(Place the picture sheet ! [ p. 6 ] in front of both can didates.)
This is the picture for your referen ce. It shows a small boy' s childhood: 1. take n out by hi


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