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上传人:薇薇安 2021/6/15 文件大小:26 KB




文档介绍:Unit 7
It’s Sunday m___1_____. It’s a little cold. Sandy gets up very early. She puts on her white b___2____ and dark blue p___3___ . She likes these two c__4____. She wants to go s___5______ with her mother because she n__6____ to buy some exercise b___7___. At 9:00, they are in a supermarket. There are a lot of p___8____ in the market. The c___9___ there are very f__10_____.
Hi! Welcome to Star&Star c___1____ store. Do you like s___2___? We have good sweaters at a very good p___3___. Do you like d___4_____ sports? We have different balls and rackets. For w__5______, we have very beautiful dresses and skirts. For m__6___, we have nice suits and ties. We a___7____ have schoolbags for school c___8____. They are $19 e___9____. And that’s not all.
 Come and have a look for yourself and your f___10_____.
Unit 8
There are s__1____ students in my group. Sam’s birthday is in J___2____. It’s the first m__3____ of the year. Ruth’s birthday is in M__4____. It’s after Women’s Day . Jack was born on J__5___ 1. It’s also Children’s Day. Will and Tina were born in the s___6___ month---O____7_____. They are proud(自豪的) they have the same b___8____ as our country. My birthday is in the last month---D__9______. W__10___ is your birthday? Can you tell us?
  There are 12 m___1_____ in a year. In different months, we have different e___2_____. Our school’


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