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矿用JH40 回柱绞车设计与实验研究.doc

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矿用JH40 回柱绞车设计与实验研究.doc

上传人:小雄 2021/6/18 文件大小:86 KB


矿用JH40 回柱绞车设计与实验研究.doc


Design and Experimental Analysis of Mine JH-40 Type Prop Pulling Hoist
石绍波SHI Shao-bo曰于正军YU Zheng-jun曰杨社YANG She曰吕华永LV Hua-yong (河北工程大学资源学院,邯郸 056038) (College of Resource, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan 056038, China)
摘要院回柱绞车又称慢速绞车,是供煤矿井下采煤工作面回柱放顶之用。本 文介绍了回柱绞车的工作原理以及在煤矿生产中的作用。根据i前煤矿生产现场 的具体需求,针对传统设计的不足,设计了一种新型的回柱绞车。确定了绞车的 钢丝绳选型、电动机选型及滚筒参数设计。此外,还通过实验测定了新型绞车的 绳速、拉力等重要参数,给回柱绞车的创新与设计提供了重要参考依据。
Abstract: Winch, also called slow winch, is used for coal face roof of the prop used in coal mine. Working principle and it'sapplication of JH-40 type prop pulling hoist used in coal mine was introduced in this report. According to the current specific need in coalmine, a new type prop pulling hoist was designed with the traditional design shortage. Roller parameter design and electrical machinery typeand wire rope type were confirmed. In addition, according to experimented scheme, the important parameters of rope speed and pullingporce of prop pulling hoist were determined. It's significant for the innovation and design of the prop pulling hoist.
Key words: prop pulling hoist; driven system; design; experiment
中图分类号院TD5文献标识码院A文章编号院1006-4311 (2014) 10-0063-020
引言随着我国煤矿机械化的逐步发展,我国西北地区煤矿生产能力的不断加 大,对回柱绞车的牵引力的需求越来越大,迫切要求对回柱绞车的能力提高,因 此提出了川-40型回柱绞车,它是一种有效的矿山辅助运输设备。机械化采面、
上下上、平巷等设备的搬迁是它的主要应用范围,比如液压支架、溜槽等。另外, 回柱绞车还可以完成运料、调度车辆等工作,正是因其这种作用,使其