文档介绍:General 概述
A referenee guideline is a guideline for what is considered as an acceptable juice/pur e. e Parameters listed under sector A are absolute (min./max.) requirements with respect to the quality of a juice.
本指南为苹果 浆 /汁许可标准。 A 部分所列的参数是硬性要求 (最小值 /最大值),直接和 苹果汁的质量相关。
Parameters listed under sector B are criteria relevant for the evaluation of identity and authenticity as well as some less absolute quality criteria. Single parameters outside of the standard B do not automatically mean non-authenticity, as values within the standard B do not automatically guarantee authenticity.
B 部分所列的参数是对评估特性、 真实性及其它非绝对质量标准。 B 部分以外单独列出 的参数并不 意味着 非真实性,而 B 部分所列的参数也并不意味着其确定性。
An interpretation of the whole analytical picture by experts is necessary.
This reference guideline is based on authentic juices/pur es,ewithout permitted ingredients and/or additives, having the characteristic colour and flavour of the fruit named.
本指南基于可信的苹果 浆 /汁,没有附加成分和 /或添加剂,有相关水果的特征颜色和风 味。
Apple juice/pur e iseobtained, by definition of the EC Directive from mature and sound fruit by mechanical processes and is treated by physical means and/or diffusion processes provided that the concentrated juice thus obtained show the same organoleptical and analytical characteristics as the product obtained by mechanical processes only.
苹果汁由欧盟定义,来源于成熟和健全的苹果通过物理性的机械和 /或扩散加工生产得
It is understood that :
apple juice is made from fruit of Malus x domestica Borkh.
apple juice can be cloudy or clear.
only the treatments and processes regulated by the Fruit Juice Directive (see annex ) are permitted.
-for the reconstitution of concentrated fruit juices water should have the appropriate characteristics. The definitions of "appropriate" is given under the specific comments on the . Reference Guidelines completed by further details in annex .
由浓缩汁 还原的果汁,加水量应该适量。有关“适量”的定义在