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must remember— m u s t 10 tips to help remind ….pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/6/13 文件大小:0 KB


must remember— m u s t 10 tips to help remind ….pdf



文档介绍:MUST REMEMBER— 10 Tips to Help Remind You to Stay on Schedule. M edication U se s afet y T rainin g FOR SENIOR S 2011 NCPIE ? Medication Use Safety Training for Seniors? and MUST for Seniors? are the exclusive trademarked property of the National Council on Patient Information and Education. If you take multiple medications, it might be hard to keep them all straight. But there are a number of things you can do to anized and remind yourself to take them at the right time and in the right amount (dose). Try to: 1. Set a daily routine . Humans are creatures of habit, so use it to your advantage. Try to take your medications at the same time and place every day (for example, before or after a meal, at bedtime, etc.). Always check the medication label or ask your healthcare professional if you need to take each medication at a specific time or if you have some flexibility. 2. Make a list of instructions for all of your medications. Create a daily or weekly checklist and keep it someplace where you will see it. Come up with a system that works for you to be able to mark off when you have taken each dose. 3. Place sticky note reminders to yourself where you will see them. 4. Count your pills . If you know how many pills you have left, it will be easier to figure out if you’ve missed a dose or already taken one. 5. Ask your healthcare professional or pharma