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文档介绍:Company Logo
Outline of the lecture
Warm-up Activities
Rewrite the following sentences with the help of –ing and –ed forms.
The father, who was enraged, threatened to throw the boy, who was
screaming, out of the room.
You can use the method that is frequently used.
Tommy, who was filled with despair, left the office.
The girl who is smiling through the window is enjoying one of the
happiest days in her life.
The enraged father threatened to throw the screaming boy out of the room.
Enraged, the father threatened to throw the screaming boy out of the room.
You can use the frequently used method.
Tommy, filled with despair, left the office.
Filled with despair, Tommy left the office.
Smiling through the window, the girl is enjoying one of the happiest days in her life.
The girl, smiling through the window, is enjoying one of the happiest days in her life.
The boy was sitting at his desk, and his feet were tapping the floor
Since the computers are damaged by an unknown virus, the
employees are happy to take the day off.
The boy was sitting at his desk, his feet gently tapping the floor.
The computers damaged by an unknown virus, the employees are happy to take
the day off.
Company Logo
Getting to know participles
Look at the following sentences. What do the words in blue modify?
What is their function?
The crying girl picked up her broken piggy bank.
The boy and the girl, singing and dancing, went home together.
The trembling old man stood by the broken window.
Frightened by a strange noise downstairs, he went down slowly,
holding his gun in his hand.
Together the friends followed the trail, picking up the fallen raspberries
as they went along.
There are two kinds of participles: -ing form and –ed form. Which form to
use depends on the relationship between the verb and the noun
described. When we use a verb to describe a noun, there must be a
logical relationship betw


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