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我的家庭英语作文80字 [我的家庭英语作文初中170字].doc

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我的家庭英语作文80字 [我的家庭英语作文初中170字].doc

上传人:raojun00001 2021/7/3 文件大小:30 KB


我的家庭英语作文80字 [我的家庭英语作文初中170字].doc



文档介绍:我的家庭英语作文80字 [我的家庭英语作文初中170字]
My family really cute, neat happiness and well-being... Home, is not only the source of power, or support beams of happiness, but also everyone warm haven! Home, like a gift given to each child born in the world god, let everyone feel the warmth of home, also let everyone enjoy the love of family, more let everyone peace in such as the growth of Noah s ark security environment, protection and comfort.
My home, just like Noah s ark shelter me, let me from dangerous bludgeoned. My family has seven people, a solemn appearance, inner kind father, a at any time with Mona Lisa smile. A mother and a personality generous, distribute the breath in vitality of elder sister, a breadth of knowledge and know how to comfort her second sister, although an introverted, quiet carefully, brother, and a universal born writers three elder sister, and finally I this home happy. In this safe haven, as long as someone hurt, will be widely support and love. You said it like a Noah s ark to save the world?
Although my home is Noah s ark, can our people, are big fans of Confucius! Due to the holiday often go to the library, the family mighty arrived at the library door, always can let guarding the gate guard got a fright! In the cool of the heavens and the earth


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