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文档介绍:Li ling Li ling 一、一、 Introduction Introduction ?? The Bible is often described as "the greatest The Bible is often described as "the greatest book ever written." This is because of its book ever written." This is because of its unending significance and influence on people unending significance and influence on people throughout the ages. No other book in history throughout the ages. No other book in history has impacted peoples and cultures like the has impacted peoples and cultures like the Bible. So far, the Bible has been translated into Bible. So far, the Bible has been translated into 2,018 languages and every year more copies 2,018 languages and every year more copies of the Bible are sold than any other single book. of the Bible are sold than any other single book. ??《《圣经圣经》》通常被描述为通常被描述为““最伟大的书最伟大的书””。这是因。这是因为它对历代人们的无尽的价值与影响,历史上没为它对历代人们的无尽的价值与影响,历史上没有一本书像有一本书像《《圣经圣经》》一样对人文有如此影响力。一样对人文有如此影响力。到目前为止, 到目前为止, 《《圣经圣经》》已被译成已被译成 2018 2018 种语言, 种语言, 《《圣经圣经》》每一年的销售量比任何一本书的年销售每一年的销售量比任何一本书的年销售量都要多。量都要多。?? The Bible itself contains a total of The Bible itself contains a total of 66 books and is divided into two 66 books and is divided into two parts, the Old Testament and the parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old New Testament. The Old contains 39 books and contains 39 books and the New Testament contains 27 the New Testament contains 27 books. The word "testament" books. The word "testament" means "agreement" or "contract." means "agreement" or "contract." The entire Bible was written over a The entire Bible was written over a period of 1,500 years from about period of 1,500 years from about 1450 . to 100 . The Bible 1450 . to 100 . The Bible states that it was written through states that it was written through the divine inspiration of God. Its the divine inspiration of God. Its authors include more than 25 men authors include more than 25 men from a variety of backgrounds from a variety of b


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