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上传人:小雄 2021/7/11 文件大小:95 KB




1> The land does not belong to us ; we belong to the land. Conservation begins from this plain and simple fact. But how do we persuade more people to feel the truth of it, to know it in their bones? Here's what the Kiowa writer N. Scott Momaday recommends:
Once in his life a man ought to concentrate his mind upon the TemembeTed earth, I believe. He ought to give himself up to a particulaT landscape in his experience, to look at it from as many angles as he can, to wonder about it, to dwell upon it. He ought to imagine that he touches it with his hands at every season and listens to the sounds that are made upon it. He ought to imagine the creatures that are there and all the faintest motions in the wind. He ought to collect the glare of noon and all the colors of the dawn and dusk.
A man ot woman who ventures outside the human bubble and pays attention to a given landscape season after season, year after year, may eventually become a tme inhabitant of that place, taking it in through every doorway of the body, bearing steadily in heart and mind.
2、 On the 14th of March, at a quarter to three in the afternoon, the greatest living thinker ceased to think. He had been left alone for scarcely two minutes, and when we came back we found him in his armchair, peacefully gone to sleep—but forever.
An immeasurable loss has been s