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上传人:艳子 2021/7/16 文件大小:169 KB




文档介绍:Document number:BGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-2022
Report on how SoundBlaster band can improve on their success
The purpose of this report is to prepare a presentation strategy for the band how to remain successful. The music group Soundblaster who successful in Hear to Believe but after three years they have no changes so many fans left .Should give the Soundblaster band a new direction, changing the band sank the same style. Let more people know about them and like their music. The report is give to the band’s manager on December 26.
In the collection of band information or data in the methods and procedures. We used the following methods. First of all, we are from the band’s company to obtain relevant date. Secondly a questionnaire was completed by those who were surveyed. The third is through interviews with fans.
From the band’s company the findings of the investigation indicate that the band’s most prosperous period in 2003 year. From 2001 to 2003, the band career on the rise. But after 2003 year, it began to decline. As it can be seen from the chart the sales of merchandise on last three tours is decreasing. From 2001 to 2003, the number of CD sales increased from million copies to million copies. But after 2003 years until 2007, there was a drop in the number of CD sales from million copies to million copies.


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