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文档介绍:life as a true man begins at 30 " His music panies us throughout the youth " Magic Kit for 2008 release, this album was formally abandoned by Jay himself left for many years before the style line, go rock and roll science fiction style This album out has many classic songs, such as fragrance, Jay said, songs of creation sources is felt Yu recently in TV Shang saw related scourge of reported, plus side many friends often stuck in difficult of negative mood in, he more decided select "fragrance" as first main, he more modest said: "after all I also 30 age has, while now also has influence, wants to more for social effort. 」 2008 2010 Cross-generation is Jay's tenth solo album, and concert name "King age", which means Jay from the ten-year period's debut in 2000, accumulated ten albums and constantly better ourselves, leading the music! The exclamation point! Jay's 11th album, this time as the incarnation of Jay sailors, controlling the "exclamation point" the warship, riding sail release. also inspired fans to learn to feel with a blood and humor to live to impact the future of adversity, create their own exclamation point! 2011 2012 2012 [12 new] came out, dream start after the snail once again inspiring creations . 2014 In 2014, Jay released 13th solo album, album is a sign his own mantra and "Oh, Wow," And in the same year announced relationship with his girlfriend, with 2015 married his girlfriend, shocked the entertainment . weeding Jay not only gain his own business, but also gain a sweet happy love. Jay not only gain his own business, but also gain a sweet happy love


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