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文档介绍:青岛理工大学毕业设计 I 摘要本投标书是根据济宁市住宅楼工程的招标文件的招标须知、合同条件、技术规范、图纸及其他有关文件而编制的投标书。投标书包括:工程量计算书、商务标、技术标、结论、致谢、参考文献等内容。商务标包括投标总价、总说明、工程项目投标报价汇总表、单项工程投标报价汇总表、单位工程投标报价汇总表、分部分项工程量清单与计价表、工程量清单综合单价分析表、措施项目清单与计价表、规费、税金项目清单与计价表等内容。工程量计算规则按照《山东省工程量清单计价规范》中的计算规则计算,工程造价是采用清单报价的形式,采用以人工费为计算基础的计价程序,应用福来一点通计价软件套价。技术标则包括工程建设概况、施工质量保证措施、施工部署、施工方法和工艺、安全生产保证措施、进度控制措施、其他保证措施、质量回访和维修、施工平面布置、施工进度计划。技术标是从人、材、机方面来进行施工布置,从技术、施工、物资等方面采取措施来确保工程进度、工程质量与施工安全,并在此基础上降低成本。关键词: 标书;工程量;施工方案;安全生产青岛理工大学毕业设计 II Abs tract Graduation Project is based on YanZhou yandian thermal power plant Building of residential for project bidding information, contract conditions, technical specifications, drawings and other relevant documents and the preparation of tenders. Design includes:Bill calculations, commercial bid documents, technicai bid documents and conclusioin. Business Standard, including the basis for weaving, the scope of the project in terms of process and that the project cost analysis to identify and quantity; engineering calculation in accordance with the rules, "Application of Shandong Province, the construction of fixed" rules of calculation, the project cost isa fixed set of applications prices, the use of artificial fee is calculated on the basis of valuation procedures. Technology Overview superscript engineering, construction and deployment of pre-construction preparation, construction layout, and all management measures, design optimization and cost reduction measures. Technical standard from people, materials, machines aspects to decorate, construction technology and construction materials, from the aspects of measures to ensure the project schedule, quality and safety of construction projects, and on this basis to reduce costs. KEY WORDS : bid documents ; engineering quantity ; construction scheme ; safety production 青岛理工大学毕业设计 III 目录摘要................................................................................................................................... I Abstract ............................


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