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大学英语Book Two 讲稿 (4).doc

上传人:中国课件站 2011/12/11 文件大小:0 KB


大学英语Book Two 讲稿 (4).doc


文档介绍:Unit 4
Unit Four
I Teaching aims:1. to learn the new words and expressions;
2. to improve reading skills
3. to analyze the structure of the text
Text A
Departure, routine, host, fluent, grant, certificate, insurance, dental, accustomed, descend, await, domestic, adapt, command, regulation
Text B
Guidance, destination, indirectly, tremendous, infinite, cease, shrink, tedious, forbid, prosperous, objection, identical, remarkable, bmbrace
phrases and expressions:
Text A:
All the longer, know about, make a fortune, with a heavy heart, make sure, after all
Text B:
At first glance, take on, leave behind, to capacity, lack of, hit the target, in the event of, plan on, work out, live through, depend on, dream of
First period: Text A
~~Environmental Protection Throughout the World~~

This paper deals with the problems encountered by the teenagers from Brazil when they travel to America to study. Traveling to another country is often a e adventure. In this unit, however, we meet people who take up the challenge of leaving home to live in another country. This story demonstrates how things are not always as easy as they look; the grass is not always greener on the other side.
Part one (1-4) The purposes for the teenagers’ going to the United States
Part two(5-7) The students are


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