[摘要]目的:探讨吸脂结合刮匙搔刮方法治疗腋臭的心得体会。方 法:2012年3月-2015年1月,笔者收治100例腋臭患者,采用腋前皱嬖 3nini切口为入路,应用吸脂术结合刮匙搔刮,术后加压包扎7d。结果:治 愈率93%,有效率100%o术后5例出现皮瓣局灶性坏死,换药后愈合。结 论:吸脂法结合搔刮法治疗腋臭具有微创、安全有效、值得推广。
[中图分类号1R758. 74+1 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455
(2015) 18-0014-02
Clinical effects of treating axillary osmidrosis by minimally invasive treatment
LI Li-zhong, WEI bin, SHI Wei-qiang, PENG Xu, WEI Chao
(Department of Plastic Surgery, The Third Hospital of Beijing People,s Armed Police Corps, Beijing 100039, China)
Abstract: Objective To discuss the combination of liposuction and curette sera tch met hod t rea ting experience. Met hods From March 2012 to 2015 January the author treated 100 cases of patients with osmidrosis axillae and the anterior axillary fold 3mm incision approach and application of liposuction with curette seratch seratch, postoperative pressurized 7 days
・ ResuIts The cure rate was 93%, with an efficiency of 100 5 cases, the skin flap necrosis was found in the skin flap, which healed after dressing change・ Conclusion the combination of liposuction and curette seratch method of treating axillary osmidrosis is minimally invasive treatment, effectively safe, and worthy of promotion.
Key words: axillary osmidrosis; liposuction; curette seratch; minimal invasive; effect
目前腋臭治疗方法很多,大致有梭形切除腋毛区皮肤、腋窝横行小切 口修剪皮下大汗腺、微创盲视下修剪吸刮大汗腺、激光电离子烧灼腋毛区 大汗腺开口、腋