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文档介绍:翻译标准 1. 成群成群的蝗虫毁灭了大片大片的稻田庄稼。 Hordes of locusts consumed the crops in tracts of rice fields. C rowds of people T hrongs of people P acks of enemy 2. 臭名昭著的希特勒终于一命呜呼了。 Notorious Hitler did kick the bucket at long last. 3. 一个民族的伟大并不取决于其人口的多寡, 正如一个人的伟大并不取决于他的身高一样。 The greatness ofa people is no more determined by their number than the greatness ofa man is determined by his height. 挑战性练习: 1. 未经许可,不得入内。 A uthorized entry only. No entry unless on business. S taff only. 2. 要是她能活得长一些该多好! If only she could have lived a little longer! 3. 由于无奈和绝望,他自杀了。 H elpless and hopeless, mitted suicide. As she became helpless and hopeless, … D ue to her helplessness and hopelessness, … 4. 她从小就对自己没信心, 这是问题的根子。 At the root of it is her diffidence, by which she has been enslaved since childhood. S he has been enslaved by her diffidence since childhood , which is the root of the problem. 现象, 状态, 形势, 问题, 情况 N owadays many Chinese parents are sending their children overseas for further education , which has aroused wide attention in the public. H ardly/scarcely/barely/ O nly/not only/nowhere No sooner 5. 世界锦标赛决赛时, 一位游泳名将被他的同胞战友击败, 却热烈拥抱胜利者,向他祝贺,满含热泪向观众挥手告别。 A veteran swimmer, defeated by patriot in the finals ofa world championship, offered congratulations to the victor ina warm embrace , waving a tearful farewell to the audience. He told me his opinion, then I nodded my agreement. He opened the door and motioned me into the room./and eyed me into the room. 6. 到了前面山村, 你们就可以歇会儿了。 You can take a rest when e to the mountain village. 7. 我们虽然很穷, 但是无论给我们多少钱,我们也不会出卖祖国。 Poor as we are, we are above selling our country at any price. Be above doing sth. Be beyond +abstract noun We should put medicine beyond reach of children. T his house is beyond my means. 直译意译 L iteral translating F ree translating 1. 进入二十一世纪, 麦当劳集团的对手们又集合到一面共同的旗帜下—反对全球化。 Upon entering the 21 st century, the opponents of MacDonald ’s groups have again rallied under mon banner of anti-globalization .2. 教育的全部艺术就在于唤醒青年人天生的好奇心, 以便日后使他们的这种好奇心


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