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文档介绍:西安工程大学毕业(设计)论文 I 摘要近年来,视频监控得到了迅速发展,其应用范围越来越广。为扩大监控范围, 改善监控视野,可以借助于云台,即把摄像机装在云台上,通过云台转动带动摄像机旋转,同时可以控制摄像机镜头的参数。云台在监控系统中起着关键的作用, 它直接反映监控系统的监控指标。本文设计了一种基于 AT89C52 单片机的电动云台控制器。该控制器能够接收控制台的控制命令,控制云台的垂直运动和水平运动,以及摄像机的聚焦/散焦,变倍近远、光圈变力小,以调整摄像机的视野. 本文在介绍课题的应用背景的基础上,重点分析了云台所具备的功能,并针对这些功能提出了本设计的实现方案。在软件程序设计中,简要介绍了串行通讯的基本知识和详细说明了应用于云台中的通讯协议 PELCO-D 和 PELCO-P 等协议,并在此基础上设计了各部分的软件流程图。最后阐述了本设计所采用的有关软件可靠性方面的措施。通过调试、系统的实际运行,验证了本设计运行稳定,实现了云台的上下左右旋转,实现了对镜头聚焦、变倍、光圈的控制。达到了预期的应用目标。关键词:云台,协议,监控系统,解码器西安工程大学毕业(设计)论文 II ABSTRASCT In recent years, the development of video surveillance is rapid, the range of applications e wide. In order to expand the scope of monitoring and improve the monitoring of vision, The pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) can be used, which means toput a camera ona PTZ and to control the PTZ camera rotating. At the same time, the parameters of the camera lens can be controlled. The PTZ play a key role in the monitoring system, it reflects the performance of monitoring system. In this paper, a controller for electric PTZ, which is based on puter AT89C52 and applied in explosion-proof PTZ system, has been designed. It can mands from the controller, which control the PTZ motion, the camera, NEAR/FAR, TELE/WIDE, Close/Open. The parameters of the camera can be saved in memory. First of all, the background of the subject, the classification of PTZ and the development of PTZ Controller are introduced. The functions of PTZ are analyzed. A program for these functions is proposed. Secondly, the entire process in detail about software is described. In the process of software design, the basic concepts of munication and both the PELCO-D and PELCO-P protocol are introduced. The main software programs and subroutine are finished. Finally, the reliability design about software is described. Through the actual running of the system, it is proofed that the system runs stable. The PTZ rotating and the parameters of the camera lens and Preset function can be controlled. The goal of the expected is achieved