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文档介绍:如何写英文收据,借据,账单 Receipt 收据 Received from Mr. Jerome Kern the sum of EIGHT HUNDRED YUAN Only (Renminbi) on July 2nd, 2001, being the rent for the month of June 2002 for the premises occupied by him at 127 Qingzhu Road, Shenzhen. Liu Ming 兹收到杰罗姆. 科恩先生 2001 年7月2 日交纳的捌佰元整(人民币) 。该款项是其为居住在深圳青竹路 127 号所交纳的 2002 年7 月份租金刘明 Receipt Due Bill 借据 May 26, 2001 Six months after date, for value received, I promise to pay to Mr. Li Dong the sum of three thousand and five hundred Yuan(renminbi) with interest at 3% per month. Wu Ming 借款额:叁仟伍佰元借款日期: 2001 年5月 26日我承诺在开票后六个月之内归还李冬先生人民币参仟伍佰元整,并付利息 3 %。吴明 IOU 借条 April 2nd, 2001 To Bausman, IOU Dollars three hundred only ($ ). Wang Min 致约翰. 包斯曼先生: 本人欠您美元参佰元整。立据人:王敏 2001 年4月2日 Reckoning Tab 帐单 Bought from______ gallery: 1 Oil Painting . $ 1 Frame for the above .$ Total: .$ ___ 先生: 您从____ 画廊购得: 油画一幅价值: 美元画框一副价值: 美元共计: 美元 , Receipt December 30,2008 I have received five hundred Yuan from Mr Wang Qiang for the fee ofa French dialog course. Details: October 8 two hours for a class 200 RMB October 9 one hour for a class 100 RMB October 11 two hours for a class 200 RMB Total: 500 RMB payee: Li Feng Paye