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德阳市2014高考英语二轮短文类训练(3) 及答案或解析.doc

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德阳市2014高考英语二轮短文类训练(3) 及答案或解析.doc

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德阳市2014高考英语二轮短文类训练(3) 及答案或解析.doc



文档介绍:德阳市2021高考英语二轮短文类训练〔3〕 及答案或解析
德阳市2021高考英语二轮短文类训练〔3〕 及答案或解析
Most Americans would have a difficult time telling you,specifically,what are the values which Americans live have never given the matter any thought.
Over the years I have introduced thousands of international visitors to life in the United has caused me to try to look at Americans through the eyes of foreign am confident that the values listed in this booklet describe most(but not all)Americans,and that understanding these values can help you,the international visitor,understand Americans.
It is my belief that if foreign visitors really understand how deeply these 13 values are ingrained in Americans,they will then be able to understand 95% of American actions—actions which might otherwise appear“strange〞,“confusing〞,or“unbelievable〞when eva
luated from the perspective (aspect)of the foreigner’s own society and its values.
The different behaviors of a people or a culture make sense only when seen through the basic beliefs,assumptions and values of that particular you encounter (meet)an action,or hear a statement in the United States which surprises you,try to see it as an expression of one or more of the values listed in this booklet.
1.An ordinary American can’t tell you his/her value system because________.
A.this is something an American lives by
B.everyone will have his/her own value system
C.he/she has never thought about it
D.values are something often in their thought
2.The author lists 13 values in his booklet to________.
A.invite foreigners to visit America
B.look at Americans through the eyes of foreign visitors
C.describe the confusing actions of most Americans
D.help international visitors understand Americans
3.The underlined word“ingrained〞in Line 2,Paragraph 3 most probably means“________〞.
A.rooted in the minds B.found in the grains C.planted for food D.prepared with grain
4.Visitors sometimes find Americans behave