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原版英语口语情景对话第0214集介绍乐队旅行 Alex乐队旅行时去了很对地方,听他介绍一下吧。
  Todd So Alex you were saying that you took trips, band trips. Alex Yes, sir. Todd OK, so why dont you talk about a band trip. Alex OK, lets see. The band trip we went to Florida, Disneyland actually. It was a lot of fun. Actually getting the money for the band trip, I had to fundraise a lot, and that was just a big humongous problem, cause, I dont know, the band organization was kind of disorganized, anyway, so the band trip, we went to Disneyland. It was a lot of fun, but we ended up playing frisbee all the time because we had nothing better to do really, and to tell you the truth I like Disneyland, but its kind of kiddish to tell you the truth, um but its a lot of fun. We actually, where did we march, Epcot. Todd Oh, the Epcot Center. Alex Yeah, we marched around the Epcot center an hour or a half or so. Todd So how long was the trip down there Alex Oh, we actually, we flew so, it wasnt that long. A couple of hours at most. The funny part is, half the band isnt, they hadnt flown before the actual