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Miyazaki, January 5, 1941 was born in Tokyo, Wenjing District, Japanese animators, animation producers, cartoonists, animation director, animated screenwriter. Graduated from the Department of Political Economy, University of Tokyo, Japan.
In 1963 entered the Dongying animation company, engaged in animation division work. In 1971, I joined the "Kumo Production Animation Department which was founded in 1971. He joined Zuiyou in 1994 and collaborated with Takada Shono and Oda Kazuo to create the "Alpine Girl”. In 1979, she moved to Tokyo Film News to create her own first film 'Lubang III Carriot Stella City. 〃 1982 began to independently create comics, in the "Animage" serial comic "Wind Valley”, the works won the 23rd Japan Cartoonists Association tours. 1984 directed 〃 Wind Valley ”, the film won the Rome Fantasy Film Festival Best Animation Short Film Award 4 awards.
1985 and Takada Xun, Suzuki Minfu co-founded Ghibli studio. In 1986 directed the "Sky City”, the film won the first 41 times the daily film award big rattan letter Lang reward 6 awards. 1988 directed "My Neighbor Totoro”, the film won the 13th report of the best film award and other 24 awards. In 1997 directed the "ghost princess”, the film won the 21th Japan Film Academy Award for best film awards 27 awards. 2001 directed by the "thousand and Chihiro”, the film won the 75th Oscar Award for be