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st Animation Award 8 awards.
  On July 16, 2022, he urged Abe Jin to deal with the issue of comfort women, and Japan should apologize to South Korea and China.
  2022 directed wind The film won the 37th Japan Film Academy Award for best animation award 8 awards, but also its last long works. In September 6th the same year announced a retreat. November 8, 2022 won the 87th Oscar Award for Lifetime Achievement Award.
  Early experience

  Miyazaki was born in 1941 in Tokyo, Beijing, graduated from the fir and district legislature Yongfu primary school, fir and district legislature palace palace school, Tokyo Li Fung high school and the University of Political Science School of Economics. Ranked second in the four brothers, the father is the Miyazaki family business Miyazaki aviation school staff. In the Second World War due to wartime evacuation, his family moved to Utsunomiya City and deer marsh city. His family operating a plane factory, belonging to the military enterprises, so the late war material deprivation can also maintain a very moderate life, Miyazaki had a very free childhood life. However, in this environment grew Miyazaki Jun unexpectedly on the familys privileges had doubts. Miyazakis father told him that, in fact, the Miyazaki family produced the tail of the aircraft did not meet the standards, all without formal training of temporary women workers production and processing, just bribed under the military management, the product can muddle through. These seemingly understandable in the great people of the trick, but in the heart of Miyazaki left wiping away the traces of his thinking of human nature, affecting him after the animation director of the c