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文档介绍:tpo41 答案
【篇一: tpo-41 综合写作独立写作题目文本】
k 1 integrated writing
burning coal in power plants produces a waste product called
coal ash, a material that
contains small amounts of potentially harmful chemicals.
environmentalists in the united states are concerned about the
damage such harmful chemicals may be doing to the
environment and suggest that the united states government
should create new, much stricter regulations for handling and
storing coal ash. however, representatives of power
companies take the opposite view: they argue that new
regulations are unnecessary and might actually have negative
consequences. they use the following arguments to support
their position
regulations exist
first, power company representatives point out that effective
environmental regulations already exist. for example, one very
important regulation requires companies to use liner — special
material that prevents coal ash components from leaking into
the soil and
contaminating the surrounding environment. companies that
dispose of coal ash in disposal ponds or landfills must use
liner in every new pond or landfill they build.
concerns about recycling coal ash
second, some analysts predict that creating very strict rules
for storing and handling coal ash might discourage the
recycling of coal ash into other products. currently, a large
portion of coal ash generated by power plants is rec


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