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Part I Writing
[范文] One Way to Solve the Problem
To deal with the air pollution caused by Vehicles in cities is a challenging job. My suggestion is to produce vehicles powered by solar energy.
Compared with mineral fuels such as gasoline, solar energy is inexhaustible in supply. The growth of cities and increase of vehicles call for more supply of energy, but there is a limit to the reserve of off. So solar energy with its endless supply is one of our solutions to energy crisis. The second advantage of solar energy is its cleanliness. Traditional vehicles operating on gasoline give off exhaust, causing damage to human health and polluting the air. From the perspective of environmental protection solar energy is a much better choice. After the new technology becomes economically feasible, the sky over cities will be brighter, and the air will no longer be a threat to our health.
Because of the two benefits of using solar energy as a new fuel, we should spend more money on the research which can make our dream come true.
Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
study their body language
high-energy personalities
you're involved with something you enjoy
Part III Listening Comprehension
W: Have Todd and Lisa started a family yet? They've been married for two years now.
M: Todd indicated to me that they'd postpone having children until he gets his law degree.
Q: How do Todd and Lisa feel about children?
W: This doesn't look at all familiar. We must be lost, we'd better get some directions.
M: Let's pull in here. While I'm filling the tank, you ask about the directions and get me a soft drink.
Q: Where will the man and the woman go for assistance?
W: Excuse me sir, but I have to use your phone. There's been an accident and I have to call an ambulance. M: Well, I suppose that'll be all right. This phone is usually for office use only, but since it's an emergency. Q: Why did the woman so


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