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文档介绍:A grid-connected photovoltaic power conversion system with single-phase multilevel inverter
Ersoy Beser
Birol Arifoglu 込
Sabri Camur ,
Esra Kandemir Beser •,曰
Department of Electrical Engineering, Kocaeli University, Umuttepe Campus, 41380 Kocaeli, Turkey
Received 7 May 2010. Revised 26 September 2010. Accepted 28 September 2010. Available online 20 October
2010. Communicated by: Associate Editor Nicola Romeo.
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Cited by in Scopus (4)
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This paper presents a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) power conversion system based on a single-phase multilevel in verter. The proposed system fun dame ntally con sists of PV arrays and a single-phase multilevel inverter structure. First, configuration and structural parts of the PV assisted inverter system are introduced in detail. To produce referenee output voltage waves, a simple switching strategy based on calculat:ing switching an gles is improved. By calculated switchi ng an gles, the refere nee sign al is produced as a multilevel shaped output voltage wave. The control algorithm and operational principles of the proposed system are explained. Operating PV arrays in the same load condition is a considerable point; therefore a simulation study is performed to arrange the PV arrays. After determining the number and connection types of the PV arrays, the system is con figured through the arra ngeme nt of the PV arrays. The validity of the proposed system is verified through simulatio ns and experime ntal study. The results dem on st rate that the system can achieve lower total harmonic distortion (THD) on the output voltage and load current, and it is capable of operating synchronous and transferring power values having different characteristic to the grid. Hence, it is suitable to use the proposed configuration as a PV power conversion system in various applications.
Photovoltaic powe