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2017年中考英语阅读理解训练:My grandfather.doc

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2017年中考英语阅读理解训练:My grandfather.doc

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2017年中考英语阅读理解训练:My grandfather.doc


文档介绍:2017年中考英语阅读理解训练:My grandfather

My grandfather was a fine man. I loved him very much. But one day I told him a lie(谎话). I can not tell you now what the lie was. I was only seven years old then. Grandfather was not cross with me.
"Ask Jim to get a long ladder," he said. "My boy now jumps from the tops houses, up to the roof(屋顶)."
Jim brought the big ladder. Then Grandfather said,"My boy now jumps from the tops of houses. The ladder is for him."
I knew at once what his was telling me. I had often heard the old saying," A lie is a jump form the top of a house.
I said nothing. But I felt like crying.
The minutes went by. What would people think about the ladder? It stood by the front door. I was afraid ti might be there a long time. I had to do something!
At last I went to Grandfather. He was reading a book. I went up to him and put my face on his arm.
"Grandfather," I said, "I will not tell a lie again. We don't need the ladder now." Grandfather seemed very happy once again. He called Jim. "Take the ladder away," he said, "My boy does not jump from the tops of houses."
His words made me happy once again.
the reading we can not know ____.
(A)whether the boy told a lie (B)what the lie was
(C)what Grandfather did with the boy (D)how the story ended
word "cross" in the reading means ____.
(A)angry (B)su