线损管理及降损措施 摘 要 二十一世纪是一个能源不可或缺的时代。在各种能源中,电能己经毋庸置疑的成为了世界经济发展和人类各项活动的基础能源。电能从生产出来到输配电再到用户使用的过程中不可避免的会发生一些损耗,这就是线损。,加强线损的管理水平,最大程度地对线损进行控制,有效降低线损,可以为供电企业增加企业效益,也是保持企业良好态势发展的重要途径。
关键词山东供电公司;线损管理;降损措施 Abstract Twenty-first Century is an indispensable era of energy. In all kinds of energy, electric energy has no doubt The foundation of the worlds economic development and human activities. Power from production to transm
ission and distribution To the inevitable users process will occur some loss, this loss is. , strengthen the line loss management level, to the greatest extent of loss control, reduce line losses, for power supply enterprises to increase the benefit of enterprise, is an important way for the enterprises a good momentum of development. At present, although the discussion on line loss management and control and research has been in the minority, but most of the research Or from the line loss theoretical knowledge and the technical level of the comparatively broad, the lack of research and analysis of the specific circu