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上传人:WonderC 2021/8/8 文件大小:20 KB




全国大学生英语竞赛范文:My job
As you may guess, My job is different from others , that's right, I am a a young kid I had fantasy that one day I could be the world famous porn that didn't go well....my
mom told me the only way out for life is dedicating yourself into academic filed, I hated it .It
took few years to make me realize that school isn't the right thing for me in my life...lol
little off the topic , but you'll like it yeah, I lost my V-card on my
13th birthday and I've been love it far I slept with
131 male and 73 female, dont get it twisted, I dont normally do 3some or any orgy, I just do it one outta trains my skill everyday , I can give great head , doggy style and shit...i
guess that made my success to an whole other level, i gotta say, practice and experience is the key to success .I
gained a bigger vagina from my job as you can tell that I am a full time prostitute now .I also made a shot tons of money cross the few years, I love my whore life!
knock knock.....
hey whats up
was wondering what u been up going on with your music its kinda loud
better turn it down before I drop my poop all over your mouth you bitch !! oh ya, remember last time you asked me to lend out my blow-up doll,