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上传人:WonderZ 2021/8/10 文件大小:28 KB





I once saw in a dream, I became a naughty rudolph, pull Santa Claus and filled with presents, all over the world, for the children all over the world sent a gift to send to a joy.
But as time progressed, I doubt to the legend of the beautiful, but I can t believe I received Santa Claus gift to me every year. This year s Christmas Eve, I asked my mother: mom, Santa Claus will send me a gift today? Will. Sure will. As long as you have a good sleeping tonight, Santa Claus will come. My mother said to me. So I on Christmas night made a careful plan. I like usual Christmas, the big socks, shoes with clip clip on the balcony railing, then got into the bed pack to sleep early on, when I heard a activity on the balcony, immediately got up, the in the mind to think: is going to see Santa Claus, Santa Claus, what shape is like a father to me to describe it, with a white beard, wearing a Christmas hat, dressed in a red suit, parked alongside the sleigh full of gifts? I can t wait to sew a curtain a little, I am shocked at this moment, the balcony is no wearing a Christmas hat, wearing a red Santa Claus, more no sleigh full of gifts, have a plenty of mom and grandma, they are holding the torch, on to me on the balcony in a big socks and shoes of the


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