文档介绍:中文摘要关键词:唐代诗人墓志中图分类号:K82 墓志发展到唐代,已成为一种成熟的文体。首先,作为一种丧挽文学,它不可避免地为志主讳,因此具有强烈的隐讳,有时甚至阿谀的特点。同时,作为一种多做于亲故之手的传记文学,它又具有可靠、详实的一面。利用墓志,研究唐代诗人,前人也做过许多研究。这包括:补诗人作品的阙失;补证诗人生平事迹;确定作品的创作时间;考辨作品的作者;评价诗人的作品风格;归纳诗人的文学观点等等。对部分诗人的墓志,本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对墓志的写作特点和诗人的生平家世做进一步的考证。文章分为三部分:第一部分是传世的诗人墓志丛考;第二部分是出土的诗人墓志丛考;第三部分是诗人及其家族墓志丛考。前两部分又把诗人分为两种,一种是两《唐书》有传的诗人,一种是两《唐书》无传的诗人。对前一种诗人的考证,主要比较墓志和列传的不同,体现墓志的写作特点。对后一种诗人的考证,主要是利用墓志补述其生平事迹。最后一部分是家族墓志较多的诗人的个案研究。 Abstract Key Words:Tang dynasty;poet; Epitaph CLC:K82 In Tang dynasty,the epitaph had e very mature as a style of ,as aeulogy,it should hold respects for thedead people, SO itinevitably keeps some shameful things unsaid,sometimes it even flatters the dead le,as a biography usually written by someone who knows the dead person very much,it could be very reliable and detai led. Many scholars have already made good use of the epitaphs in the researches on Tang have supplemented apoet’S li stofworks, added and corrected his experience,determined the writing—time ofthe works,determi ned who i s the author of the mented on a poet’S writing style,studied a poet’S cultural view,and SO on. On the basis of these researches,I am doing aportion ofTang poets’ epitaphs,especially focused on the unique writing style of the epitaph and these poets’experience and paper has three chapters. Chapter one,these poets’epitaphs have been reserved in the tradition two,these poets’epitaphs have been unearthed. Chapter three,both the poet’S and hi Srelatives’epi taphs can be found. Inthe first two chapters,I respectively divide the poets into two kind of poets has his own biography in the New and Old Tang Histories,in this case,we pare the two kinds of biographies and study theepitaph’S writing kind doesn’t have biography, SO in thiS case,we mainly use the epitaph towrite his last chapter has some individual studies on poets whohave alittle more relatives’ epitaphs. 4 前