文档介绍:总第 240 期 南 方 金 属 Sum.240
2021 年 6 月 SOUTHERN METALS June 2021
文章编号:1009 -9700(2021)03 -0057 -03
韶钢 8 号高炉热风炉换热器节能改造
周 杨,姚鸿波
(宝武集团中南钢铁广东韶钢松山股份有限公司,广东 韶关 512123)
摘 要:韶钢 8 号高炉热风炉余热回收系统,原来采用热管式换热器对空气和煤气进行双预热,使用多年后预热效
中图分类号:TF544 文献标志码:B
Energy Saving Transformation of Heat Exchanger of
Hot Blast Stove for BF #8 at SGIS
ZHOU Yang,YAO Hong-bo
(SGIS Songshan Co.,Ltd.of Baowu Group Zhongnan Iron &Steel Co.,Ltd.,Shaoguan,Guangdong,512123,P.R.China)
Abstract:Tubularheat exchanger was used in the waste heat recovery system of blast furnace #8 at SGIS to preheat air
and gas.Through the comprehensive comparison of tubular heat exchanger and