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文档介绍:There are other reasons for our point that "marriage is not the grave of love".
married is considered one of the things you must do in your whole life in many best-selling books, but also one of the mendations to a healthy living.
2. Engels held that the core element of love is responsibility, the nature of love is to take responsibility, is to give. It is marriage that gives such rights and obligations to both parties of a should be the home of the long-term love, it is mitment that lovers make to each other, it is the witness of love.
like the song sings “love and marriage go together like a horse and carrige, you can't have one without the other”. Marriage without love is wrong, love without marriage is regret.
yao considers that the true love begin with the eliminated a number of freaky, stunted growth, and psychedelic love. Marriage to love, doesn’t mean choking but a test, a kind of purification.
5. “The ess of marriage depends on two people, but only one person can make it fail",said by is practical and need you to run it sincerely. Marriage is not as simple as we take it for a lot of problems arise in marriage, love can not solve all of them, but love do give people the power to is the foundation and reliance of a happy marriage. As Leonid Dova said, "Marriage is base


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