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上传人:秋天学习屋 2021/8/26 文件大小:34 KB





文档介绍:2013 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷)
英 语
Grammar and Vocabulary Section A
25. — I ’m looking for a nearby place for my holiday. Any good ideas?
— How about the Moon Lake? It is ________ easy reach of the city.
A. by B. beyond C. within D. from
Those who smoke heavily should remind ________ of health, the bad smell and the feelings of other
A. theirs B. them C. themselves D. oneself
27. Bob called to tell his mother that he couldn ’t enter the house, for he ________
his key at school.
A. had left B. would leave C. was leaving D. has
28. It ’ s a ________ clock, madeof brass and dating from the nineteenth century.
A. charming French small B. French small charming
C. small French charming D. charming small French
29. The school board is made up of parents who ________ to make decisions about
school affairs.
A. had been elected B. had elected
C. have been elected D. have elected
They promised to develop a software package by the end of this year, ________
they might have.
A. however difficult B. how difficult
C. whatever difficulty D. what difficulty
31. The judges gave no hint of what they thought, so I left the room really ________.
A. to be worried B. to worry C. having worried D. worried
32. The students are looking forward to having an opportunity ________ society
for real-life experience.


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