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文档介绍:Color Assessment 标准光源箱(对色灯箱) Operator's Manual 使用说明书 Please read this manual before operating this equipment. After you finish reading this manual,store it ina safe place for future reference. 请在使用本机前阅读此说明书,并将其保存好以备将来参考。 Instructions for Lamp Provide several light sources, . D65, TL84, CWF, UV, F/A. Apply puter to switch between the light sources quickly. Super timing function to record use time of each light source separately. All fittings are imported, ensuring quality. Color Assessment , suitable for all industries and applications where there isa need to maintain color consistency and quality - . Automotive, Ceramics, Cosmetics, Foodstuffs, Footwear, Furniture, Knitwear, Leather, Ophthalmic, Dyeing, Packaging, Printing, Inks and Textile. Since different light source has different radiant energy, when they arrive on the surface ofan article, different colors display. With regard to color management in industrial production, when a checker pared the color consistence between products and examples, but there may exist difference between light source used here and light source applied by the client. In such condition, color under different light source differs. It always brings following issues: Client plaint for color difference even requires for rejection of goods, seriously pany credit. To resolve the above problem, the most effective way is to check good color under same light source. For example, international practice applies Artificial Daylight D65 as standard light source for checking goods color. It's very important to use standard light source to check color difference in night duty. Besides D65 light source, TL84, CWF, UV, and F/A light sources are available in this Lamp for metamerism effect. II. Lamp Performance 1. Hepachromic artificial daylight acknowledged by CIE, 6500K color temperature. 2. Lighting scope: 750 - 3200 Luxes. 3. Background color of light source is Neutral Grey of absorbance. In using lamp , prevent outer light


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