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雅思大作文写作应该写几段?这是很多考生想知道的答案。雅思资料下载的小编通过一篇范文来为大 家讲解,如何划分你的段落,-篇优秀作文应该分几个的段落。
Is there an ideal number of paragraphs to an IELTS essay? I have recently come across two pieces of advice on IELTS forums on this topic that I happen to disagree with. One is that there is no problem with writing a 3 paragraph essay and the other is that the "ideal" number of paragraphs is 5. In this post I am going to look at this issue and put forward my point of view.
One piece of advice I met was that the only requirement was to write an essay of at least 250 words and so it was open to the candidate to write a 3 paragraph essay. Well, let' s see. It is true that 250 words is a requirement and the official advice is that you will be penalised if you write fewer words.
It' s not, however, that straightforward. The standard instructions start by asking you to write an essay for an educated reader with no specialist knowledge and almost invariably use similar wording to this:
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence
The key word here is uarguments ": ie you need more than one argument and in a correctly constructed essay each argument requires a separate paragraph. So if you accept that you also need a separate introduction and conclusion, then you should see that you will need at least 4 paragra


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