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文档介绍:智课网 TOEFL 备考资料喀什托福作文的开头怎么写托福作文考查大家的书面表达能力。不同于客观题,托福作文是一种主观表达,托福作文的开头显得非常重要。那托福作文的开头怎么写呢?智课教育小编搜集了喀什托福作文的开头怎么写,同学们可以参考学****托福作文的开头怎么写? 托福作文的开头可以使用一下形式: ,常见的情形有: (1) 副词修饰全句 Luckily , he didn ’t know my phone number; otherwise , he would bother me. Incredibly , Helena got straight A in her school report this semester. Interestingly , cats and dogs can hardly get along well ina house. 修饰全句常用的副词有: obviously undoubtedly apparently fortunately clearly unfortunately incredibly luckily unluckily surprisingly frighteningly 这些副词大多数表示说话人对全句的看法,在意思上相等与“ It is ...形容词 that ...”。 : Obviously , he is nervous about the test. =It is obvious that he is nervous about the test. Unfortunately , he tripped over and fell in the mud. =It is unfortunate that he tripped over and fell in the mud. (2) 强调副词 Hurriedly , the man drew me a scratch map to show me the direction. Dangerously , the drunkard sped down the street. Slowly and gently , snowflakes were drifting down from the sky. (3) 副词表示某一地域或某一领域 Geographically , Canada is the biggest country in the world. Financially , she is independent , but emotionally she is dependent. ,表示说话人的态度,或使句子的意思更加准确: Strangely enough , Jennifer does not enjoy sunshine and beach. Generally speaking , winter in Vancouver is gloomy. 类似的插入语有: no wonder no doubt in other words in my opinion in conclusion in fact asa matter of fact 、并列形容词或形容词短语开头,修饰句子的主语,表


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