听说过树虎的故事吗?人们用胶水先粘住 一只树虎,然后借助他们善良的本质,引来更多皮毛昂贵的 树虎。这对世界的霸主一一人类可谓是极大的耻辱!
从小,我就是和小狗一起长大的,因为狗是人类最忠 诚的朋友。我和奶奶在一起时常常看见奶奶无缘无故的踢小 狗,每当这时,我都会对奶奶大吼大叫:“奶奶你怎 么能踢小狗呢? ”可奶奶又怎么能听得进去呢?看着 这只可怜兮兮的小狗,我不禁鼻子一酸:因为我们是人类就 能在地球是为所欲为了吗?难道小狗就没有尊严吗?对那 些自以为是的人类,我无可奉告!动物是人类最忠诚的朋友 啊!
只能够到蛇为什么会咬人吗?知道猫为什么会抓人 吗?不是因为这是他们的本质,而是因为它们怕人类,怕那 些残忍的恶魔!不要再欺负弱小了,让我们一起保护动物吧!
       四年级:伊伊 girl
有关保护动物的作文 Once that happens in the world, many diseases, killed many innocent
people, who all white sacrifice. In fact most of the diseases are associated with an animal, and the animal is very innocent, just because humans are greedy or ignorance to the end!
Animal protection is everyone should do, if not from ourselves, and to
promote the side each person, may bring human inexhaustible disaster. On the other hand, you have a conscious to protect the animal, then the price will drop to the lowest! Take SARS for it, because that civet is game, many people have tasted, but did not think of eating it will spread disease, finally the
out break of SARS, we realized wha t serious consequences, but it is too late! Why must eat table delicacies from land and sea? Why do you have to eat rice dish? Than to eat some nutritious, containing vitamin vegetables and green food, is beneficial for the body is not a balanced diet. There is the plague
plague, how to spread? Some people will kill the mouse directly into the dirty place, dead dead rats can produce a lot of bacteria, the bacterial
contamination of our water of life produced a plague. Listen to aduIts, the
plague is very horrible, communication area is very wide, the mortality rate is very high. There are a lot of disease is because mankind does not care for the animal, don't concern yourself with the animal for peaceful coexistence between, cause some tragedy. Such as: rare animal
species, so now we can see them in the picture;
air pollution malces our city is rare birds fly