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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/9/20 文件大小:494 KB




文档介绍:ocusing on ways a nd mea ns of improvi ng and upgrading w ork, further devel opment of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no una uthorised" cre ated. T he tow nship "no una uthorise d" created the existi ng buildi ng "one house hol d, one document" survey a nd file st orage work must be unconditional and full coverage. Main corri dor lea ding to t he tow n (road, river) village, the Central built-up are a of the tow n on bot h sides must be to create a "no unaut horise d village". According to "five hundre d villages" create d and sha nty towns, villages, old house s, reconstr uction of ol d pla nt, expand create, upgradi ng creates file s, the real "no unauthorise d village" create d into the be nefit of the pe ople of very good t hing. ( B) to strictly manage count as unaut horised contr ols. Pr omoting t he "new" control w ork to move the ce nter of gravity, management measures to t he front, and ear nestly pi pes effectively. A strict new unaut hori sed network responsi bility. Sector s such a s land, housi ng and basi c stations
(stations) and t he Townshi p of grid accounta bility mechanism s must be stri ctly in a ccordance wit h the new regulat ory requir ements, effective impleme ntation of the area of responsi bility of the new inspe ctions, suppressi on, demoliti on w ork to e nsure t hat the new "zero tolera nce". Se cond, public securit y, water, e lectri city, water, oceans and fisheries, touri sm colla borati on, market supervisi on departme nts should stri ctly enforce t he illegal construction of disposal of relevant pr ovisions of the regulations, effective fulfilme nt of responsibilitie s, parti cularly i n electri city and water suppl y, and other units may not be new illegal buildi ngs to supply water and ele ctricity supply. Whil e more regulati on to prevent personal priva cy violati ons. Illicit tradi ng in ill egal construction in the Mini stry of public security sect or to strictly from the blow. T hree is to create additi ona l offenc