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文档介绍:Classified Index: CODE: 10075 : NO: 20110933 A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Translation Practice Report on the Translation of Natsume soseki`s Sanshirou Candidate: Dong Kai Supervisor: Prof. Tai Yangshun Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Translation Specialty: Japanese Translation University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: May, 2013 摘要 I 摘 要 伴随着世界上各国之间文化交流的愈加频繁,文学作品在各国间的交流也越来越普遍,而翻译则是其中不可或缺的重要一环。考虑到其在跨文化学术研究交流中的重要作用,本文主要针对小说这一文学类型的一些翻译策略和方法进行了探讨。首先,论文分析了小说的文体特征及表达特点。其次,以夏目漱石的《三四郎》为案例探讨了小说翻译中采取的翻译策略和翻译方法。结合在翻译实践中在遣词和造句等方面遇到的问题, 加以分析。本文旨在对小说的翻译进行探索,从而为以后在此领域的翻译实践起到借鉴和学****作用。关键词 夏目漱石三四郎小说翻译 Abstract II Abstract Along with the increasingly frequent cu ltural exchanges among c ountries, the literature communication between countries is ing more and more popul ar, and translation is an indispensable part of this process. In view of important role of novel in cross-cultural exchange in the field of academic research, some translation strategies and skills concerning this literary genre are discussed in this paper. First of all, the paper analyses the stylistic features and expression characte ristics of the novel. Second, Base on the translation practice of Natsume Soseki’s" Sanshirou ", the paper discusses the use of translation strategies and skills adopted in the translati on process. Combined with probl ems arisen in the translation practice, the paper gives corres ponding analysis. The author hopes this paper can contribute to the future translation regarding this field and share some experience with other translators. Key words Natsume soseki Sanshirou Novel Translation 目录 III 目 录 引言······························································································································· ···· 1 第 1 章任务描述及意义···································································


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