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上传人:阳仔仔 2021/9/22 文件大小:382 KB





文档介绍:confere nces, learne d superi ors poli cies; re ports, you can l earn to deal wit h pr oblems, art, just wa nted t o learn, t o learn at a ny time. To continuously expa nd t he scope of the study. T he complexity and compre hensivene ss of our w ork, de cide d to not only do we wa nt to be "professi onal s", or if "generalists", to dabble in different areas of k nowle dge. Ma stery of knowledge not only to have knowle dge to rational ana lysis. T his on re quireme nts we, not only to le arni ng national of route, a nd a pproach, and policy, also to lear ning national of legal, a nd reg ulations; not only to wit h political t heory armed mind, al so to with e conomic t heory g uide work; not only to rea d hi story, also t o read history; not only to absorpti on SM of mirror, also to gets i s of roa d; not only to from local learn, also t o to outsi de lear n; not only to to book s learn, also to field st udy learn. Therefore, I woul d encourage y ou, a nd m ore to the out side w orld whe n I have time t o take a look at, take a stroll, outsi de developments, l earn other people's development a pproach, and the n come ba ck to gui de our w ork. Second, w
must think. "Learni ng without thoug ht to overshadow, t hinki ng without lear ning is peril ous." We want to foster t he character of adva ncing with t he times, forge ahea d, ofte n reflect themselve s in a dapti ng to the new sit uation on w hether there are delays, hav e anythi ng to fear in the reform and i nnovati on, w hether in terms of accelerati ng the dev elopment of a relaxation, keep pr omisi ng State of mind. In order t o do i nvestigations, inve stigations is the r oad to heaven, God dis poses of the base. To wants to real heard tr uth, a nd justice t o truth, a nd get trut h, received effectivene ss, on must in-dept h actual, and outreach, and in-de pth masses, w orshi p masse s for Division, a nd masse s heart, with masse s with discussion everyone care of probl em, listeni ng they of calls, understa