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文档介绍:第2页 /总页数 3 页

If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
Everyone dreams to be handsome, rich and happy. Famous actors and actresses, pop stars or athletes are so popular because they realized the dreams many ordinary people have. If I could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, this person will be Julia Roberts.
Julia Roberts is a very talented actress. She can play many characters and each one is new and different. She seems to become the person she is portraying and gives a 100% to the performance. Pretty Women is my favorite because it was the first Julia movie that I saw and it was her big break. I still watch the movie to this day and enjoy it. Steel Magnolias is 2nd. Julia was in the company of a very talented cast and held her own. It’s a classic, something you always enjoy watching.
I loved Nottinghill because the movie was full of many emotions. It made you feel happy after seeing it. I enjoy all of her movies. I see them even if the critics dish the movie. If she is in a movie I know her performance will be worth seeing. Her Oscar was very worthy of her as she was of it. Her Oscar was a long time coming. I'm sure we can all look forward to man


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