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文档介绍:千年帝都牡丹花城工业重镇科技中心 An Ancient Capital with Thousand Years History, a Peony City, an Important Industry Base, a Science&Technology Center 洛阳位于中国中部的河南省,是进入中国中西部的门户。总面积为 15208 平方公里,市区面积 544 平方公里,总人口 640 万,洛阳有 5000 年的建城历史。 Luoyang is located in Central China, Henan Province and is an entry to the western China. It Occupies a total area of 15,208KM2 among which the urban area is 544Km. Luoyang is a 5000-year-old city with a population of million. ●洛阳的位置 Luoyang ’ s Location 洛阳市场辐射情况 Luoyang ’s Market 洛阳交通 Transportation of Luoyang 洛阳是中国历史上建都时间最早、朝代最多、时间最长的都城,先后有夏、商、周、汉、魏、晋、隋、唐等 13个朝代在此建都,建都史 1500 年,是中国建都历史最长的城市。司马光曾云: “若问古今兴废事,请君只看洛阳城。”道出了洛阳在中国五千年文明史中重要的政治经济地位。 Luoyang was the earliest ancient capital in China with the longest history. It was was essively the capital of 13 dynasties including Xia, Shang, Zhou, Han, Wei, Jin, Sui, Tang and so on. There is an famous verse: if you want to know China ’ history, you can see Luoyang, which shows Luoyang ’ s important political and economical situation in China ’ s history. ●洛阳是千年帝都 Luoyang is an ancient capital with thousand years history 丽京门 Lijing Gate 汉光武帝陵 The Tomb of Emperor Guangwudi of Han Dynasty 天子驾六博物馆 The Tomb of Zhou Dynasty ’ s Emperor Luoyang ? China ●洛阳是国家历史文化名城 Luoyang is a famous historical and cultural city 中华民族的人文始祖是炎黄二帝,他们都出生在河洛地区。 6000 年前,在洛阳出现的河图洛书是中华文明产生的标志。儒家思想渊源于此,道家学说产生于此, 佛教首传于此。中国文圣孔子曾入周问礼,形成了儒家的正统思想。许多文化名著如《道德经》《汉书》《资治通鉴》《三国志》等在此著成。 He-Luo Area is the birthplace for the ancestors of the Chinese, Yan and Huang Kings. ‘ HeTu LuoShu ’, representing the early Chinese culture of 6000years ago was found in Luoyang. Many masterpiece was written here. 关林关林 Guanlin Temple 白马寺 White Horse Temple 世界文化遗产龙门石窟世界文化遗产龙门石窟 The World Cultural Heritage Longmen Grottoes The World Cultural Heritage Longmen Grottoes