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文档介绍:随州食用菌产业概况摘要食用菌产业是近年来在我国快速发展起来的朝阳产业,作为中国农业的传统产业和快速发展的新兴产业而受到重视。食用菌不仅是营养美味的健康产品, 同时也是带动和促进农村经济建设的高效生态农业产业。人工栽培食用菌可利用农作物的废弃物经加工处理后即可投入生产,操作技术简便、投资少、见效快,是农民增收的好项目, 在服务“三农”和推进社会主义新农村建设中发挥着极其重要的作用。随州位于湖北省北部,地处长江流域和淮河流域的交汇地带, 东承武汉, 西接襄樊, 是湖北省对外开放的“北大门”, 温暖的气候条件,良好的地貌特点, 丰富的植物资源, 造就了优越的生态环境, 为随州发展食用菌产业奠定了坚实的基础。本文对随州食用菌产业的整体情况,做了比较全面的分析和研究。通过对菇农种植技术, 菌种生产, 香菇市场, 香菇收购及加工企业, 和政府政策环境的调查, 比较深刻的了解了随州食用菌产业的发展状况, 同时对产业发展的优势和面临的问题做出了基本的分析和评价, 并且提出一些符合当地实情的建议和思想。本文立足于现实情况, 从实际出发, 充分了解掌握随州食用菌产业结构和经济特性, 找出问题和瓶颈,分析解决问题,为产业的健康可持续发展,作信息积累, 提供建议。随州食用菌产业研究分析 2 关键词: 食用菌;产业化;农业;发展规划 ABSTRACT This paper is carried out on the basis of the Suizhou mushroom industry report Mushroom industry in recent years with the rapid development of our country at the sunrise industry , as China's traditional industries of agriculture and rapid development of new industries and be taken seriously. Mushroom is not only a tasty nutritional health products , but also stimulate the rural economy and promote the construction of efficient ecological agriculture industry. Artificial cultivation of edible fungi can make use of crop waste can be processed into production after the treatment , operation technique is simple , less investment and quick 随州食用菌产业研究分析 3 returns , the e of farmers are good projects , in service "three rural" and push forward the construction of new socialist countryside plays an extremely important role. Suizhou is located in the northern part of Hubei Province , are opening up the "North Gate" , a warm climatic conditions , landscape characteristics ofa good , rich plant resources has resulted in excellent ecological environment , the good weather , favorable terrain for the development of mushroom industry Suizhou laid a solid foundation. In this paper , Suizhou mushroom industry , and to doa prehensive analysis and through the plant , bacteria produce , market , mushroom , shiitake mushrooms acquisition and processing enterprises , and government investigation of the pol